Hello, Rohana.
We found that your membership status was dropped to "Ordinary" which automatically lowers your buffered earnings payment. The change in your membership status was caused by one of your registered blog (http://xxxxx.blogspot.com/) which has been removed from the Blog Manager.
Normally, removing a blog would not affect your membership status but in your case, our system crawler managed to crawl the blog and marked it as non-exclusive before it was deleted which immediately affects your membership status.
Currently there should be no other issue to prevent you from getting the Glitterati status again. Kindly give our system some time to re-update your membership status and after that your buffered earnings should be increased again.
Thank you for writing to us and please do not hesitate to contact us again if you have further inquiry.
Have a nice day.
Best Regards,
Web Developer
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd
aku dah remove entry sebelum ni..sapa yg sempat tgk akan faham entri yg ini.
hehe entri pasal nuffnang income tak leh on lama2.. :)
baru ku paham..hehe smlm aku saja2 create blog baru..pastu aku paste code nuffnang.
pastu petang tu aku pi gatai remove pulak blog tu..hihi
tu yg income aku drop separuh sbb status aku bertukar dah tak exclusive...rugi seh!
tapi takpa...ni pengajaran...so sapa2 nk wat blog ..nk letak code tu hati2 di jalan raya
very efficient tu response dr nuffnang..tQ!pasnih tak buat lagi :)
Selamat Tahun Baru 2025
Alamak dah 22 haribulan baru nak update pasal tahu baru. Haha. Kalau dulu
masa umur pun muda remaja lagi, macam biasalah sentiasa update pasal azam
5 weeks ago
so..maksudnya xblh ada more than 1 blog ke cmne? i ni mmg blur lg dgn nuffnang nih
boleh ada byk2 blog pon..
tp make sure blog baru tu ada uniq visitor yg mencukupi
skrg ni pon sy ada 2 blog..tp gatai nk create blog ke-3 ahhaha
mcm itu ek? maksu tak berapa paham ni pasal nuffnang ker, blog ker, blog manager ker... buta it. kih kih kih
tak paham leh tny..nnt sy explain yg mana sy phm :)
Duit percuma ?
nak buat blog resepi masakan pulak ke ana?
ade 2 blog... dah earned RM50/month..
kalau 3 blog... mau kaya raye ana ni...huhuhuhu
aa percuma..just blogging
alahai shaiful..ciput nau sy punya tu..org lain dpt ribu riban
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